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UI Examples

A range of mobile app UIs, templates and components built with Ionic React

2 Factor Auth UI

Get creative with your UI/UX for 2FA with a custom style and animated states


Notable Features

  • Custom inputs
  • Custom buttons
  • Custom CSS animations
  • Inputs controlled by state

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Latest UI Examples

A modern style shop app UI with animations and Ionic 6 components.

Modern Shop App UI

A modern style shop app UI with animations and Ionic 6 components.

A simple weather app retrieving details from API

Weather App UI

A simple weather app retrieving details from API

A dashboard UI inspired by the clubhouse app/twitter spaces drop in audio style.

Clubhouse/Spaces style UI

A dashboard UI inspired by the clubhouse app/twitter spaces drop in audio style.

A scoreboard app UI to track scores of players.

Scoreboard App UI

A scoreboard app UI to track scores of players.